Information about CSSP and BFSP

A regular Park program will be provided in the Night Sky Viewing Area during star parties. Members and volunteers from the star party host groups will be assisting park staff and volunteers.  Programs are cancelled if cloudy or raining.


Two fee-based star parties are held at Cherry Springs State Park each year.   Please contact the sponsoring club to register to attended.  These event require pre-registration and are sponsored by the Astronomy Clubs below.  Up to 500 astronomers attend these events, along with a slate of excellent speakers and vendors.  By the way, each of these clubs also generously donates to the Dark Sky Fund which allows us to provide wireless internet service to astronomers.  Please support these clubs by attending their events!




Black Forest Star Party

Astronomical Society of Harrisburg



Cherry Springs Star Party

Central Pennsylvania Observers






  • You must be registered as a star party participant to be on the Astronomy Field.


  • No Pets Permitted. 


  • Dress for cold weather.


  • Bring a small red  flashlight.